Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Home Prep Refresher, Part Two

Summer Heats Up (The Market)
Sellers Prepare For Maximum Results

More on my refresher for home sellers, get ready for comparatively lightning-fast results for listing your home, especially if you keep in mind these very important fundamentals for home sale presentation.  In my previous blog, I mentioned five home prep basics which can be done almost, if not entirely by the homeowner.  I have five more equally important steps for which the homeowner may consider delegating or at least getting a second opinion.  As I mentioned previously, even in a market with an influx of qualified buyers eager to capture mortgage interest rates before they climb steadily higher and with little inventory to choose from, a seller must still take the fundamental presentation steps to insure buyers don't make the ever-present choice to not make a choice.  Consider it a courtesy to the potential buying public, to make your home sale ready with these steps 6-10:

6.  Make minor repairs which can create a bad impression, such as sticky doors, torn screens, cracked caulking, dripping faucets or any other noticeable flaw.  These "cosmetic" changes can make or break a buyer's interest even in a market where you have a relative advantage as a seller.  Buyers in a market with limited inventory are already under the impression that they may not be looking at a home in good condition and always have the option of taking a pass at the market altogether if they get the impression the limited amount of homes they've seen are all less than well maintained.

7.  Make your yard as presentable as possible.  This can involve a simple cutting of the grass and raking of the leaves, or it may involve something a little more extensive such as adding some landscaping or at the very least, adding some bright potted flowers at your doorstep.

8.  Patch holes in your driveway, and reapply sealant, if applicable.  A clean driveway goes a very long way to inviting potential buyers.

9.  Clean out your gutters.  Yes, it may be a completely rain-free summer here in and around Southern California, but the image of a cluttered gutter again leaves the impression of a home that is less than well-maintained.

10.  Polish your front doorknob and door numbers.  It's a pride of ownership thing, and it something you want to convey to potential buyers.

Some or all of my last five steps are worth not only doing, but some may be worth seeking some help to accomplish well.  Sellers have not seen a market opportunity like this in six years, and already (certainly by the end of summer) market forces are closing on this unique window and by this time next year the seller will not be in as advantageous of a position.  The cliche about striking while the iron is hot comes to mind, but making the best strike one can make is even better.

Sylvia Harsin


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