Sunday, June 30, 2013

The All American Beach City

The All American Beach City
Prepares for Independence Day

Thomas Jefferson composed the Declaration of Independence after the Continental Congress unanimously voted on July 2nd, 1776 to declare independence from Great Britain, with whom the colonies had been at war with already over a year.  Thomas Jefferson's document, designed to explain the reasons behind the decision for independence, was ratified on July 4th, 1776 by Congress and launched a celebration of American Independence which the now 50 United States enjoy 227 years later.  Independence Day celebrations erupt all over the United States in and around July 4th, and my town of Huntington Beach plays host to arguably the most amazing Independence Day celebration in Orange County.

Imagine all of the iconic images surrounding Independence Day, real-life Norman Rockwell paintings, mom-and-apple-pie personified, town squares and fireworks displays, sparklers and barbecue and now transport it to an already exciting and vibrant, international surf mecca, Southern California beach community.  This is the 4th of July in Huntington Beach, which saw the first Independence Day celebration in 1904 in conjunction with the first electric passenger train linking the city to Long Beach and Los Angeles, with 50,000 people in attendance.  The festivities have only increased in size and scope over the last 109 years, and have become ever more reflective of American personality.  The delicate balance between individual liberty and community safety, personified by the American experience itself, is revealed in Huntington Beach's Independence Day revelry: without having to maintain an ordinance-heavy "iron fist", Surf City has welcomed tens of thousands of guests who enjoy long hours of celebration without any significant damage to person or property.  In other words, residents and guests of all ages can expect to have an incredibly fun time without much worry over things getting out of hand; Huntington Beach has over time struck learned to this delicate balance to the benefit of all who enjoy a beach side Independence Day.  Events in Huntington Beach begin well before and continue after the actual calendar day of July 4th, and are cataloged here for your strategic holiday planning.

Huntington Beach residents (and their guests) take note, the American Legion Huntington Beach is selling city-approved "safe and sane" fireworks, look for them at the Wal Mart at Beach and Talbert from noon to 10 July 1st through July 3rd, and from 10 am to 8 pm on July 4th.  The American Legion has been a part of Huntington Beach Independence Day celebrations since the beginning, in 1904.  Buying fireworks from the Huntington Beach American Legion is a rich local tradition, one the whole family can enjoy, and pass on.

Join me at my open house TODAY at 12:30!  526 7th Street in Huntington Beach; I'd love to meet you in person and talk about the extra-fast-paced real estate market in full swing this summer.

Sylvia Harsin

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Home Prep Refresher, Part Two

Summer Heats Up (The Market)
Sellers Prepare For Maximum Results

More on my refresher for home sellers, get ready for comparatively lightning-fast results for listing your home, especially if you keep in mind these very important fundamentals for home sale presentation.  In my previous blog, I mentioned five home prep basics which can be done almost, if not entirely by the homeowner.  I have five more equally important steps for which the homeowner may consider delegating or at least getting a second opinion.  As I mentioned previously, even in a market with an influx of qualified buyers eager to capture mortgage interest rates before they climb steadily higher and with little inventory to choose from, a seller must still take the fundamental presentation steps to insure buyers don't make the ever-present choice to not make a choice.  Consider it a courtesy to the potential buying public, to make your home sale ready with these steps 6-10:

6.  Make minor repairs which can create a bad impression, such as sticky doors, torn screens, cracked caulking, dripping faucets or any other noticeable flaw.  These "cosmetic" changes can make or break a buyer's interest even in a market where you have a relative advantage as a seller.  Buyers in a market with limited inventory are already under the impression that they may not be looking at a home in good condition and always have the option of taking a pass at the market altogether if they get the impression the limited amount of homes they've seen are all less than well maintained.

7.  Make your yard as presentable as possible.  This can involve a simple cutting of the grass and raking of the leaves, or it may involve something a little more extensive such as adding some landscaping or at the very least, adding some bright potted flowers at your doorstep.

8.  Patch holes in your driveway, and reapply sealant, if applicable.  A clean driveway goes a very long way to inviting potential buyers.

9.  Clean out your gutters.  Yes, it may be a completely rain-free summer here in and around Southern California, but the image of a cluttered gutter again leaves the impression of a home that is less than well-maintained.

10.  Polish your front doorknob and door numbers.  It's a pride of ownership thing, and it something you want to convey to potential buyers.

Some or all of my last five steps are worth not only doing, but some may be worth seeking some help to accomplish well.  Sellers have not seen a market opportunity like this in six years, and already (certainly by the end of summer) market forces are closing on this unique window and by this time next year the seller will not be in as advantageous of a position.  The cliche about striking while the iron is hot comes to mind, but making the best strike one can make is even better.

Sylvia Harsin

Home Prep Refresher, Part One

Sellers Enjoying Lighting Fast Market
(but you still have to do the basics)

The arrival of summer has increased the traction to an already fast real estate market, and sellers may be tempted to skimp on some important details.  Even with recent mortgage interest rate up-ticking (or perhaps because of it), buyers are pushing hard for the still-limited available inventory, and sellers almost anywhere are all but guaranteed an offer quickly.   What sellers need to remember, even with a relatively advantageous position in the current marketplace, is that buyers still have a choice to not make a choice.  In other words, the fundamentals for home selling are not to be overlooked.   Here are my first five out of ten subtle but important things to remember to increase the marketability of your home:

1.  Get rid of clutter; throw out stacks of newspapers and magazines, pack away most small decorative items, make your closets appear roomier by storing out-of-season clothing, and clean out/organize your garage.  The process I'm describing is often called 'purging' and it is a form of therapy as well: if it is a piece of paper and you can't get rid of it, file it accordingly but otherwise cleanse your house of needless paper.  There is a recycling center somewhere with your clutter's name on it.

2.  Nobody likes to do it, but have it done nonetheless: clean your windows to bring in more light to your home's interior.  If you need to delegate or pay to have this done, it will be money well spent.

3.  Get your clean freak on! Selling time is the time to keep everything extra clean; wash fingerprints from light switch plates, mop and wax floors, and don't forget to clean the stove and refrigerator (yes, even the tops and sides).  Bright lighting (see suggestion number 5) will help "illuminate" problem areas; don't be ashamed of markings along walls, carpets and floors you've never noticed, just deal with them appropriately and with an even pace.

4.  Get rid of smells, this is a challenging one since over time people can become dulled to the smells of their house to where they don't even notice (pet owners take note).  If you clean carpet and drapes, and open windows regularly, the smells which are immune to your notice will be almost completely eliminated anyway.

5.  Here's an idea: light bulb!  Place higher wattage bulbs in rooms to maximize brightness (making the rooms as inviting as possible), which is particularly important in rooms which are naturally dark.  Obviously, you will want to replace any burnt out bulbs.

I've got five more tips to share which are a little more likely to involve some professional assistance if home improvement and landscaping don't really suit you, and I'll get into those in my next blog.  In the meantime, sellers, there hasn't been a market like this in years, get your home prepared and get yourself prepared.  A careful strategy planned with a seasoned real estate expert such as yours truly can insure you get the most out of this incredible market!

Sylvia Harsin

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Ideal Buying, But For How Long?

Special Note to Buyers

We have a narrow window where you can get the most home for your buck, and it's closing.  Every instinct in everyone's gut who has been paying attention at all to the market knows the historical all-time-low mortgage interest rates are not staying low much longer: in fact, the 3-4% range for a 30 year fixed mortgage phenomenon has lasted far longer than most experts predicted.  Prices, and rates, are going up across all measurable metrics both locally and nationally in almost all major markets.  While price increases may slow down eventually as new inventory becomes available, rate increases will surely not slow down but rather ratchet upward.

Sellers already know the time is ideal: dramatic increase in prices from previous years of decline and more buyers for less available inventory generating multiple offers immediately after hitting the market.  Investors with cash offers are still pervasive; another powerful incentive for sellers, and a source of urgency for buyers.  Buyers need to get in now and expect to be aggressive, but for those up for the challenge the rewards will be great; nothing short of the best bang for the monthly mortgage payment buck that history has ever seen.  Make no mistake, buyers, the stakes are high and well worth the effort while this narrow window is even now on the verge of closing.

My own current experience speaks of the urgency: I put a downtown Huntington Beach home on the market recently and within 48 hours I had multiple offers.  The cascade of qualified offers resulted in my sale of the home at a full $100,00 above asking price; a scenario almost unheard of even a year ago and unthinkable in the prior four years.   The message is clear, in most of the country and certainly in Huntington Beach: buyers, it is time to get in the game before mortgage interest rates increase with home prices!

Sylvia Harsin

(714) 612-5373